DAN BEWLEY admits he is fired-up for the “prestigious” World Cup. The Cumbrian is back in action for Great Britain tonight after starring in the last two Speedway of Nations campaigns, securing a gold and silver medal in the most dramatic fashion.

Image courtesy of Taylor Lanning Photography

He revealed: “I always feel like the World Cup is more prestigious. The fact it doesn’t come down to one race at the end. It’s every point. Every race battling it out with three other nations and riders is more important to me.”

Bewley, like team-mate Tai Woffinden, will be on his home Polish track at the Olympic Stadium, Wroclaw. He won his second GP on that circuit last year and has been in sensational form for his club as they top the PGE Ekstraliga in 2023.

He added: “There’s not that many meetings that I get a bit of excitement for but I am for this week.

“I’ve never ridden in a World Cup. When I was younger, and as a fan, it feels like the event that everyone wants to watch. You watch each race and you’ve got your one rider in it in every one.

“I just feel like it’s so much better to watch. I did see the World Cup at Belle Vue in 2016, I watched it on TV.

“I also remember when the World Cup was in Leszno in 2017. We were racing in Glasgow. Richie Worrall had it on his phone and everyone was crowded round to watch it.

“The Speedway of Nations, fair enough if you want to have a Pairs meeting, but it’s not the best team event in my opinion.

“Every race will be big. Even though you are not racing together in the heats, the team supports each other even stronger individually.

“It’s more of a team when you are spurring each other on. We all need to go good and not get last places.

“Even in the Speedway of Nations, in a race, if you are third and your team mate is second, you just ride round. What’s to do?

“In the World Cup if you’re in second, you have to go for the guy in front. Every single point counts in every single race.

“The track will probably be more like it is prepped for the Grand Prix rather than our league meetings.

“Most of the riders who will be in the final will have ridden in the Polish league or GP, so there’s no advantage at all.

“I feel like it’s one of those tracks that it’s not that hard for anyone to go to.

“It’s not the hardest to get a bike to work there. Everyone generally goes pretty good at Wroclaw. If you asked all the riders, it’s right up there for a place everyone likes to ride.”