It started with a discussion about BISCUITS. Three hours later, when it came to the crunch, Great Britain delivered.

In a quiet corner of the National Speedway Stadium pits, the national side had their set-up. On a small table was a filtered coffee pot, a few nutrition bars, some fruit and water. Plus a packet of digestive biscuits. A huge debate broke out with the team about what snack would win the World Cup of biscuits. This light-hearted moment underlined the spirit and calmness of a Great Britain team that has far more of a family vibe.

After Robert Lambert and Dan Bewley crossed the line in the Final to bring home a second Gold in four seasons, every single member of the backroom celebrated like it was a family occasion on New Year's Eve. With a soundtrack of ‘Rockin’ All Over The World’ by Status Quo, there were tears, fireworks and a constant whiff of champagne-soaked team suits.

Rob Painter and Vicky Blackwell have created something unique and very special in their tenure as Great Britain bosses over a seven-year period. There is an unbreakable bond. There is also a rather joyful accumulation of medals. That’s two Golds and three Silvers just at the senior level of world Speedway.

Joint team boss Simon Stead was quick to confess how important that togetherness is. Drenched in bubbly seconds after picking up the trophy, he told me:

“What’s important is the rapport we have with the lads and the togetherness in the pits.

“The belief that we have the right people doing the right jobs at the right time. Our boys can produce on the track when it matters.

“The final itself was a rollercoaster of emotions. There was so much going on. This track produces such unbelievable racing. You never feel safe in any position.

“Both Rob and Dan did such an amazing job of reading the race and their positions. Plus doing the right things at the right times.

“That’s testament to the lads, how much they’ve grown over the years that we’ve been involved.”

This is for the team, every single person performs such a vital role. “We are delighted for all the team for this moment of celebration and our wonderful and loyal partners who make it all possible. “I can’t lie, this job truly is a rollercoaster, and not just in results. But it’s all worth it for nights like this.

Rob Painter - GB Speedway Team Managing Director

Despite the euphoria of triumph three years ago when they defeated Poland in the Final. There have always been the critics who said they only won because Maciej Janowski crashed out to hand them the title. No one could suggest anything but what a magical ride it was from GB’s top boys on this occasion. Stead added:

“I think you are right. But I think tonight there can be no doubters. We’ve ground out a result. The meeting didn’t start off like we would have liked.

“But we grew in confidence and belief and dug in to get the results when it really mattered.

“I think the disappointment of the last couple of years, when we came so very close, drove us on.

“It says a great deal about Great Britain now that Silver had not become good enough and getting so near was heartbreaking.

“We can be very proud of the steps forward we have taken and the talented people we have representing us.”

Bewley pulled off a simply breathtaking move to go past both Australians on the home straight to send the National Speedway Stadium wild. There were even chants of ‘Bewley, Bewley, Bewley’ from the ecstatic fans. The normally unflappable Cumbrian was clearly touched by the emotion of the moment. Bewley said:

“I try not to look at these events as anything other than just another meeting.

“You race on bikes for one meeting but it’s all the work you put in all of the year, not just one night.

“My team is who I work with all year. The only difference tonight was that I had Buddy the Bandit (Leon Flint) helping me. It was cool to have him around.

“I had a couple of years as a team mate with Rob in Sweden. So it doesn’t feel too different being with Great Britain.”

Typically, while the Red, White and Blue section of the pits was overcome with elation, Painter and Blackwell simply sat back out of the limelight. There was a discreet hug from the pair on the centre green as the euphoria erupted. It’s an understatement to say it's not been an easy task to resurrect GB’s fortunes. But another Gold medal is the very least for what this unassuming, but oh so effective, partnership deserves. Painter said:

“This is for the team, every single person performs such a vital role.

“We are delighted for all the team for this moment of celebration and our wonderful and loyal partners who make it all possible.

“I can’t lie, this job truly is a rollercoaster, and not just in results. But it’s all worth it for nights like this.

“We are extremely proud to see Great Britain back on top of the world. That was our first and only aim when we took the job back in 2018.

“There is still so much work to do. But we have won a great deal of medals in a short space of time at both senior and U21 levels.

“The disappointments are always difficult to take. The last two Silver medals, when we got so close, were particularly frustrating.

“But we are delighted that the results gave the entire team even more resolve, extra robustness and maybe even a bit more hunger to feel like we did again in 2021.

“I have to say it’s a special feeling. This is a 365 day job. We have a few meetings a year but the work is quite extraordinary to bring the levels of professionalism we believe in with such a small band of people.

“The senior squad have delivered outstanding results and Great Britain are well and truly back on top.

“It’s particularly pleasing that the success of the senior team certainly inspires everyone around them. Not so long ago the likes of Rob, Dan and Tom were bidding to get onto the world stage.

“Now the next generation are looking up to them. Tom has now won two Golds yet came through the British Youth Championship within the last decade.

“All the senior team were here helping the Under-21s on Friday night. That’s just as important as anything for us. It shows commitment and desire for success right through the ranks.”

Just 24 hours earlier, the heartbreak of missing out on a Speedway of Nations 2 medal should certainly be tempered by the contrast of result from 12 months ago. Great Britain’s Under-21 side slumped to bottom of the pile in Riga and off the world map. But, fortunate with a host nation pick for 2024, GB are back in the mix at the top table. Painter admits that it’s far more unpredictable underneath the senior element of the sport. He added:

“Obviously Poland are the yardstick with the Gold medals they have won over the past few years. We always knew they were a decade ahead of us with the development of young riders.

“Yet for all their winners, how many have gone on to dominate at senior level? It proves how difficult it is to bring riders through consistently.

“It was massively disappointing in Riga a year ago. To finish bottom was humiliating in lots of ways.

“But within a year Sam Hagon and Ashton Boughen have emerged so quickly. That’s had such a positive impact on our Under-21 set-up.

“It proves that our targeted approach now to a select number of talented young riders is the way to go.

“Nothing is guaranteed with young athletes. They can show all the promise in the world but maintaining that focus and dedication through formative teenage years is such a challenge.

“Sometimes it’s hard to define progress. But we know that with Neil and Jackie Vatcher’s outstanding British Youth Championship, we have a structure and a constant stream of talent.

“There will always be half a dozen youngsters who have all the ability. Some will make it, some won’t. There will also be some riders who emerge from nowhere to make the grade.

“But all we know is that by consistent hard work, you will bring through new talent.

“We are delighted with the result at the weekend. It’s very frustrating for Dan (Thompson). He had embraced being in the Great Britain set-up with great enthusiasm. He has shown so much potential.

“Leon (Flint) bowed out of the Under-21 level with his best performance yet for Great Britain. Sam (Hagon) has also shown he has bundles of talent and the ability to learn very quickly.

“It proves we have exciting times ahead for the national team at every level. That’s what we strive for every day of the week.”

GB won the Speedway of Nations. According to Brennan, the chocolate digestive should win the World Cup of biscuits. For their rivals, there were no crumbs of comfort.