GREAT BRITAIN boss Olly Allen admits that the future is bright despite World Cup heartbreak.

Image courtesy of Steve Hone Photography

Robert Lambert was passed by Maciej Janowski entering the final lap of the night to secure the title for the Poles on home shale in Wroclaw on Saturday night.

It meant they pipped GB by two points; Poland finished on 33, GB 31, Denmark 29 and Australia 27.

Allen admitted: “We are obviously all totally gutted. We gave it everything.

“It’s now Gold, Silver and Silver over the past three years. The boys did amazing. We started strongly which is exactly what we needed.

“It was always going to be a super-tough night. All the countries took points off each other. It’s just so frustrating to get so close.

“But we need to step back and look at the big picture in these situations. We gave Poland a huge challenge on their home soil. The future is very bright.”

Lambert, 25, vowed Great Britain will get the next Gold after the dismay of coming so close.

He believes GB are on the way to more glory after two Silvers and a Gold over the past three years.

He said: “We had belief we could come here to get a medal and even push to win it. We knew that and believed it.

“It’s just hard to take at the moment. We move forwards and sometimes you need the knock backs to come stronger again.

“So many British fans came out here as well. It would have been amazing to see them flying the flags when I went over the line to get a win for GB. But we’ll get it next time, don't you worry.”

Lambert, 25, top scored with 12 but couldn’t keep out home hero Janowski in Wroclaw.

He added: “I knew if I was in that position in second place and Magic (Janowski) was behind me that we’d have a run-off. I tried to finish it in that race and get the win.

“I moved off the line and Magic came up the inside. I was fast and had speed in the bike. I did what I could. It didn’t work."

Lambert 12
Bewley 9
Woffinden 7
Ellis 3
Brennan 0